I first met Heidy when she started attending Club Aslan when she was in the 5th grade. She had been in my English classes for at least two years before then, but she was shy and timid and did her best to blend into the background that I did not even notice her. I could totally relate because that is how I was all through school and well into my adulthood.
When she joined, Hot Wheels cars were the hottest new item we had introduced to Club Aslan along with lots of orange track. I distinctly remember Heidy joining in with a group of boys that were working to test every possible scenario to find a car that was both fast and could stay on the track. There was some pushback from the boys and allowing a girl to join them was not something they tolerated well. However, Heidy learned to stand her ground and insist that she be given a turn to race her cars.

Heidy was one of the first members of Club Aslan.
Fast forward a few years and Heidy is now in eighth grade. She was selected by her classmates to represent them in a schoolwide competition―twice! Kelly and I, along with our volunteer, Gabbi, had been asked to serve as judges for the contests. It was quite a daunting task! But one participant really stood out to me. Heidy participated in both the poetry recitation and singing competitions. And we were amazed at how much Heidy had changed over the years. Her shyness and timidness have transformed into humbleness and a gentle soul.

Heidy is now in the eighth grade, a member of Club Aslan and an outgoing leader for her classmates.
With confidence and poise she recited a poem about her country. Her voice rose and fell with each line and her hand gestures were completely natural. We were impressed. Later, she would sing a song with the same confidence and did not even flinch when the soundtrack sputtered along and eventually went out. She just kept singing a cappella. It really showcased her voice and newly found confidence.
God has truly transformed Heidy over the years and we were so proud of her when we tallied up the final scores and found out that she would be representing her school at the regional level. We are so thankful for the vision God has given us to create an afterschool program where kids can learn more about their Creator and how He wants us to use our creative gifts for His glory.